Float Spa | pure relaxation
Float and sail off into the world of your own universe.
Switch off from the rest of the world and experience the power of inner healing and well-being.
Experience the relaxation of what you could never imagine, get rid of pain, muscle tension and stress and experience inner peace, and more.
Float SPA
Float, R.E.S.T. (Restricted Enviromental Stimulation Therapy) therapy is floating in a hyper-concentrated solution of MgSO4 for minimizing the influence of gravity and other environmental factors on the human body.
- eliminate stress
- reduces / eliminates pain and fatigue
- reduces muscle tension
- regulates blood pressure
- accelerates the healing of old and new muscular-skeletal injuries
- improves circulation and detoxification
- improves the quality of sleep and regulate insomnia
- increased self-confidence, concentration and creativity
- strengthens the immune system
Relaxation is essential for maintaining mental and physical health, and the unique experience of floating is the deepest physical and mental relaxation. Regardless of age, occupation and health status, flotation improves quality of life without the side effects.
What is floating?
The concept of the float tank, or isolation tank, was devised by American neurophysiologist John C. Lilly, who conducted research in 1954 on the effects of sensory deprivation. He built the first float tank to prove this, using it to observe the connection between the conscience and the brain. His theory – according to which if all stimulation is withdrawn, all external environmental effects are eliminated, the human brain goes into a so – called THETA state, which directly precedes sleep under normal conditions was confirmed. The beneficial effects of floating therapy – called REST – Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy – have been confirmed by many experiments and measurements. REST has similar advantages to relaxation training, hypnosis, meditation, yoga and massage, both from a psychological and physical perspective.The primary result of floating – which forms the basis of the entire system – is that theorganism is spared from the effects of gravity on our bodies. Our muscles and joints (support muscles, skeletal muscles and locomotor muscles) are relieved of their load and thus relax completely. The body is in a state of weightlessness, and the cabin blocks all noise and light, thereby creating an atmosphere of total relaxation. The basis of floatation is the high salt concentration water in the float tank, allowing the body to float on the surface of the water.
To sum up, the main feature of sensory deprivation is to exclude the effects of both gravity, light and sound on the brain in a state of floatation. Following John C. Lilly’s experiments, research into the effects of floatation continued in universities, health centres and hospitals, resulting in the creation of a global organisation, IRIS (International R.E.S.T. Investigators Society).The doctors and researchers of IRIS regularly publish their results, which form a body of pioneering work in the field of modern medicine.
What are the benefits of floating?
The beneficial effects of floating are corroborated by a wealth of scientific explanations, compiled by Michael Hutchinson in his prominent book about floatation. According to experts, if gravity ceases, the central nervous system, muscles and spinal column are relieved of their load, alleviating the effects caused by gravity. The energy thus liberated and increased cerebral capacity increase the functioning of our internal regulation system and help the organism’s regeneration. Therefore, one hour of floating is the equivalent of approximately four hours of sleep. Some scientists explain the positive effects of floating citing altered brain waves. Among normal circumstances, the theta waves experienced prior to sleep cause free association,sudden realisations and subconscious organisation and processing. Buddhist monks are able to achieve the state created by these waves after long years of training. However, floating causes a sudden increase in theta waves measurable in mere weeks. This can benefit, among others, those in creative industries, such as designers, writers, painters, architects, and advertising professionals. Other research (National Institute for Mental Health, University of Colorado) supports the fact that floating can contribute to the synchronisation of the functioning of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The left side – practical, structural, primarily used in day – to – day tasks – is harmonised with the creative and visual right half, capable of more holistic thinking. Floating thereby improves creativity, problem – solving and can speed up information reception and processing. The university of British Columbia (Vancouver) conducted research on the relation between sports and floating. The performance of basketball and darts players was measured prior to and after floating. The findings clearly reflected a positive effect on performance. Then human mind is capable of carrying out a series of imagined movements, even highly complex ones. Acts are therefore conceived in the mind, and the path to their actual execution is called natural feedback. World – class athlete and floating devotee Carl Lewis calls this process imagining and executing the perfect performance. This capability of the brain, which can be used in many different areas of our lives, is improved by floating.The success of floating can also be explained by an easily measurable neurochemical phenomenon (Medical College of Ohio, Toledo). During the early phase of humanity, where survival was the aim (called the “fight or flight”phase), the brain needed adrenalin and cortisol, both formed under stress, to ensure a quick reaction. As civilisation progressed, however, such stress hormones lost their function. A plethora of symptoms appearing under short, medium and long – term stress are caused by such hormones, which cannot exit the circulatory system (such as sleeping disorders, weak immune system, fatigue, concentration problems, excessive sweating, heart palpitations, anger outbursts, high blood pressure, cardiovascular conditions and cancer.) Floating helps prevent and alleviate stress, thus decreasing the production of “harmful” hormones. Simultaneously, it increases the organism’s natural production of “beneficial” hormones such as endorphins, which increase happiness, and beta – endorphin, which relieves pain.
Floating exerts a further beneficial effect in the following areas:
Mental health, neurology
- alleviates the effects of stress
- improves creativity
- improves concentration and problem – solving
- decreases learning difficulties
- alleviates sleeping problems, alleviates or even cures chronic fatigue
- creates chemical and metabolic balance
- harmonises the functioning of the brain’s right and left hemispheres
- decreases addiction to harmful substances
- alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety
- improves behavioural problems
- decreases migraines
Skeletal muscles
- effectively alleviates the inflammation of joints, back pain, neck stiffness, sprains
- alleviates the symptoms of various spinal problems
Symptoms affecting internal organs
- decreases the risk of cardiovascular and circulatory system disease by regulating blood pressure and circulation
- helps lactic acid absorption
- increases oxygen supply
- alleviates respiratory problems symptoms
- strengthens the immune system
- prevents strokes
- decreases the risk of cancer

Beneficial effects on sporting activity
- improves performance and fitness
- loosens muscles
- detoxifies joints and muscles
- helps regeneration from sporting injuries
- treats acne; calms and smoothes skin
- heals contusions and surface bruises
- exfoliates and refreshes skin
- opens pores and preps skin prior to cosmetic treatments
Float Spa cabin
We present our Float SPA float cabin, designed and built to achieve maximum relaxation and rest. Our industrial and corporate image designers were inspired by stones lying on a sandy beach when designing the Float SPA concept. Nature, serenity, balance, harmony: these notions come to mind regarding the appearance and interior design of the Float SPA. Welcoming earth tones, organic forms, natural materials and appealing scents all contribute to superior relaxation.
Our float tank is placed inside a special room, carefully designed up to the very last detail to ensure perfect relaxation.
Upon entering the Float SPA room, the open Float SPA floating cabin, placed on a pedestal, with ambient lighting, awaits you. Float room includes a changing area, shower and toilet.
While the tub fills with salt water, all guests take a refreshing shower, cleansing and opening pores prior to floating. The Float room has full bathroom equipment, allowing customers to spontaneously come in after a meeting or a long day, and then resume their day refreshed.
Step into the cabin, filled with 25 – 30 cm of water, illuminated with coloured light. Gently pull the upper part of the machine down, which then closes. Position yourself comfortably in the water and relax. Your face will stay above surface due to the viscosity of the water. Guests who are afraid of letting their heads relax can use a support pillow.
During the first five minutes of floating, the sound of waves sweeping the ocean can be heard, accompanied by coloured lights. Then the sound and light progressively fade, merging into total silence and darkness. Isolated from external stimulation, sensation is slowly altered, and physical limitations disappear. Give in to floating, clear your mind, relax…
The 50 – minute floating session comes to an end with a gentle “waking up” phase, during which sound and light effects progressively increase in intensity, signalling the end of relaxation.
Push the top of the cabin upwards, causing it to open. Following the session, take another shower to cleanse away the salt water.
We drain the used salt water and purify it in a 4 – cell filter reservoir after each session. The empty cabin is then disinfected with a special, organic cleaning agent and dried by staff.
Who is the target audience?
This relaxation method, popular worldwide, is equally used by athletes to improve performance, business people under substantial stress, students during examination periods, exhausted mothers – to – be and mothers of young children or simply those wanting to unwind. Medical science is also increasingly using floatation for the complementary treatment of various illnesses. The effects of floating on concentration and the brain’s increased efficiency were discovered early in the corporate world as well; floating has spread among multinational firms (in the UK and Japan), with float rooms being built in office buildings, allowing tired workers to refresh themselves during their lunch break and before important meetings. Moreover, floating stimulates circulation and increases the amount of oxygen transported, so it is often used by those leading sedentary lifestyles and is recommended following long flights to avoid thrombosis. The concentrated salt content in the cabin exerts a beneficial effect on asthma patients, reducing the number and intensity of attacks, and also increases the amount of oxygen flowing into the lungs.
The anti – inflammatory effect of salt alleviates symptoms stemming from inflammation of the facial cavity and the vocal cords, sinusitis and bronchitis. Floating is therefore recommended for all those who wish to improve their performance, both physical and mental, those who would like to counter the stress of their hectic lives and those who would like to experience an innovative means of relaxation. The effects of a 50 – minute floating session are instantaneous. The detrimental effects of stress on our bodies disappear; tense muscles relax, our brain is cleared of negative thoughts, and the cabin excludes all intrusive elements which interfere with physical and mental regeneration. Nowadays, we are exposed to a huge amount of stimulation, noise and effects; when floating, we can literally feel our mind grow calm and our body relax. After a long day, there is nothing more serene than floating in a tub of salt water, cutting off the ever – accelerating world and being reborn.
Floating & Pregnancy
You Were Born Floating!
Floatation Therapy is the perfect physical and mental respite for expecting mothers. There is no better way to relieve the added mental and physical stress that may be inevitable during pregnancy.
Research has begun to show that our time in the womb has life long implications for us. Stress during pregnancy can disrupt natural hormonal development in offspring. So when you're responsible for two, there is no better time to float, relax and meditate.
- Weightless environment, reducing the aches and pains associated with carrying extra weight to which the body is not accustomed
- Deep relaxation, increased endorphins
- In addition to raising the level of endorphins and hormones of satisfaction, it lowers levels of stress hormones and thereby reduces the risk of hypertension, hyperglycemia, preterm labor and the emergence of post-partum depression.
- Relief from the pressures of the 3rd trimester such as pressures on the internal organs and pressure on the spine
- The rest you get while floating provides much needed physical and mental recovery time from the lack of regular full nights of sleep
- Absorption of Magnesium and other natural minerals from Epsom salts, of which deficiencies may occur while pregnant, providing a higher quality feeling of wellness
- The "mirror effect" of you floating while the baby is floating inside of you, which is said to provide a deeper connection between the mother and baby.
Floating at least 2 – 3 times per week can help relax you and your baby for the upcoming birth of your little bundle of joy.